Trouble With RobotsTrouble With Robots

Summer news! Languages, social sharing… and more to come

It’s been a while since our last update. Don’t worry, we’ve not been kidnapped. In fact, we’ve been working pretty hard on improving our game, and making it more accesible for people who don’t speak English. So we’re really happy to announce that Spanish and a polished version of German have been added to the languages of the game.

Take a look at the menu now.


And there’s more. We want Trouble With Robots to be played all over the world, without entry barriers of any kind. Spoiler alert: we’re also working on Simplified Chinese. Here’s a hint.

lang_select_schinese map_l1_prompt_schinese

Remember that we added a new screenshot feature some months ago? We have fixed bugs and now it looks brand new. So don’t forget that you can:

  • Save your screenshots (pause the game and select “Screenshot”)
  • Share your saved screenshots on Twitter (after finishing a level, click on “Post Screenshot” and then select the one you want to share)

screenshot twitter share

If you post on Twitter using the hashtag #troublewithrobots, we will be able to find your tweet and share it. Let’s see who’s the best player out there!

So we keep walking, as you can see. And now that we have a lot more players, thanks to our recent promotions on iOS, it’s time to share some tips. Stay tuned, because we’re going to update the blog more regularly and show strategies to build a top-notch deck. And of course you can send us yours if you want!


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