Trouble With RobotsTrouble With Robots

Trouble With Robots, Now 100% FREE on iOS & Android

Today we are pleased to announce that Trouble With Robots (TWR) is free to download AND free to play.  There are no longer any in-app purchases.  There is no longer a charge to download the game.  There is no longer any reason to not play it.  You should immediately head over to download TWR on iTunes or download TWR on Google Play.

Here are the main URLs to spread.

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‘Trouble With Robots’ Evolves: a New Model

TWR - Business Card - Front 494x300

First of all, we can’t begin this blogpost without wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Remember, even if your 2015 was excellent or just MEH, gather all the lessons, successes and failures, and  leave them to guide you in your way. Nothing is useless, every step you made is worth consider. We have 12 months in front of us to create a brilliant 2016.

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Strategy tips #3: How to make The Bitter End a bit less bitter


Did you manage to read out that headline without biting your tongue? Yes? GOOD, we can begin with the real deal then.

After a request from EuroGamerGirl on Twitter (it’s been a while, sorry!), we decided to share some deck ideas and tips about The Bitter End, one of the most challenging levels in Trouble With Robots. It’s one of those “blue spots” in the map: levels where you should use all your skills as a deck-building-master to reach the end. Somehow it is our “Survival Mode”. And we’re aware that it’s a tough nut to crack!

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Thanksgiving sale! Get Trouble With Robots for FREE (almost)


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Turkey and balloons are not the only good things happening this holiday. Like we did last year, we are happy to give you Trouble With Robots for (almost) free. You’ll have to read further for the “hidden words”, but we won’t ask you too much, we promise!

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Why we chose Marmalade SDK to develop Trouble With Robots


If you follow us on Twitter, you probably know that Marmalade is the apple of our eye. The reason, as you may imagine, is very simple: is the SDK we used to develop Trouble With Robots for iOS and Android. Are you a rookie gamedev looking for the best option to develop his / her mobile game? Well, we have asked our Lead Developer, Ed Mandy, to give us some hints on why you should choose Marmalade.

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Strategy tips #2: How to beat Escape in Hard mode

Escape is the first level of Chapter 3, AKA the Megamort expansion. Like the name suggests, it details the getaway of our heroes from the heinous alien ship. It can be a bit tricky, and a TWR player named Mike has reached out to us via our Facebook and asked us for help to beat the level in Hard mode.

Today we’re going to share a deck created by our community manager, Mariela. We want to keep the strategy simple here, so that anyone who has just reached this level of the storyline will still be able to give it a try. There are no “premium” cards in this list, just the ones that you are likely to have already obtained by this point.

  • Angry Mob
  • Forge Workers
  • Mining Guild
  • Defiant Guardian
  • Hope Charm
  • Invigorate
  • Slow Motion


It’s a deck based on dwarves: those tough guys will be useful to confront the upgraded Baton Robots, way more resistant than the basic ones. While the front line is busy with this, it’s very important to protect the rearguard, where our own range robots and elves are. Slow Motion will prevent range enemy attacks from reaching us too quickly, providing our dwarves enough time to break the lines. Angry Mob will power up our army, along with Invigorate, which will also give us extra help by recharging our hand faster.

Easy, right? But as simple as it looks, it could be quite effective even in Hard mode. Give it a try and tell us your thoughts! If you have other ideas, please toss us some other suggestions! What’s your favorite deck to beat Escape?


Strategy tips #1: How to beat the VR Lab

Today we’re bringing you the first of our (many) tips and strategies to build great decks in Trouble With Robots. This one comes from Dan, one of our developers, and it’s a combination made to beat one of the toughest and scariest levels in the game: The VR Lab!

  • Select the following cards:

    • – Heal
    • – Wisdom
    • – Book of Infinite Pages
    • – Squall Charger
    • – Storm Dragon
    • – Invigorate
    • – Slow Motion
    • – Speedster
    • – Energize

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Summer news! Languages, social sharing… and more to come

It’s been a while since our last update. Don’t worry, we’ve not been kidnapped. In fact, we’ve been working pretty hard on improving our game, and making it more accesible for people who don’t speak English. So we’re really happy to announce that Spanish and a polished version of German have been added to the languages of the game.

Take a look at the menu now.


And there’s more. We want Trouble With Robots to be played all over the world, without entry barriers of any kind. Spoiler alert: we’re also working on Simplified Chinese. Here’s a hint.

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Trouble With Robots presents… The Easterbot Sale!


Is there anyone out there who hasn’t played Trouble With Robots yet? Maybe your brother? Your mother? That annoying old man next door? Well then, they won’t have any excuse for the next two days. We’re happy to present The Easterbot Sale!

From April 3rd to 4th, Trouble With Robots will be free for iOS, thanks to a collaboration with our good friends from Apps Gone Free (@AppsGoneFreeApp). The game is free to download from the iTunes App Store, and, for this limited time, you can also get chapters 2 & 3 totally free of charge just by using the in-game upgrade menu. That’s our gift to celebrate Easter! (…in case you didn’t notice by our clever title).

We wish you all a happy Easter time! Relax, spend your free time with your significant others… and of course play and beat some records in Trouble With Robots. Don’t forget that you can share your screenshots in Twitter. Show us your best moves and mark them with #troublewithrobots!

Trouble With Robots is live on Google Play!

Great news today! After all the love and support from the iOS community, we’ve finally taken the leap to Android. Yes, Trouble With Robots is live in Google Play from today! First chapter is free, same as iOS, and you can purchase chapters 2 & 3 for just $2.99 (USD) each or both of them together in a bundle (for even cheaper).

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We’re sure that we’ll have the same success on Android, a version which many people were expecting. If you like the game, you know what to do: play it, rate it, post some screenshots to Twitter, and tell your friends to do the same. Let’s spread the word about that nasty robot invasion!

But there’s more: we’ve made some changes and updates on both versions. Now you can share your screenshots and awards on Twitter. We’re looking for the next Trouble With Robots PRO player… by now, we’re still amazed by friends like Tom Norfolk, who got an army of more than 1500 troops (Don’t believe it? Check here). Can you beat that record? C’mon, we want to see those screens! Share and don’t forget to mention us on Twitter or Facebook.

We’ve also fixed some minor bugs and glitches that you guys helped detect on iOS. If you’re playing on iOS, check for the update!

So yes, we’re excited to keep rolling, and that’s thank to you all. We’ll be preparing more surprises for the next weeks. Stay tuned!


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